Exporting Organic Products

Under the Export Control Act 2020 and the Export Control (Organic Orders) Rules 2021, it is prohibited to export prescribed organic goods unless the exporter of the goods holds an Organic Goods Certificate (“OGC”). This document is a requirement of the Australian Government and requires authorisation from approved Certification Bodies such as ACO Certification Limited

For all organic exports, 10Kg or 10L and over, an OGC is required, irrespective of whether the importing country requires the document or not.

Please view our current Fee Schedule for OGC processing fees.

Some Important things to know:

  • All export Certificate requests must be received by ACO at least three days prior to the shipment departure date
  • OGC’s must be approved prior to shipment departure.
  • Exports to the EU must also go through TRACES and have a Certificate of Inspection (COI) issued prior to shipment departure.
  • Exports to Great Britain must have a Great Britain Certificate of Inspection (GB COI) issued prior to shipment departure.
  • Exports to the USA must have an NOP Import Certificate issued prior to shipment departure
  • Approved Exports Certificates will be sent electronically upon assessment (within 24hrs), and via post the following day. International post will be sent via courier.

Please address all OGC enquiries to our exports email

If you would like further information on exports, please feel free to contact our exports officer on (07) 3350 5706.

For further information please refer to the Department of Agriculture Website
Notices from the Department of Agriculture: Organic Industry Notices issued by the department are available here.